Hi Rainer
How quickly a week goes by, especially when its a week off 🧐 But it sounds like you were quite busy while you were in Ahrweiler. I forgot to ask if you did manage to “fire up the BBQ” 😳
The pics you sent about the doors that the builders “installed” or as I mentioned, made a “dos dinner” of it. I can understand your uncles, it would drive me crazy too to see such bad “workmanship”🤔 But it di give some interesting new vocabulary ☝️
Hope you have a relaxing weekend and looking forward to our weekly chat next Friday 👍
Here are a few of the words we discussed today:
Door frame | Türrahmen/ Türzarge |
Coffin | Sarg (sounds similar) |
Parquet Flooring | Parkett |
floor | Boden |
insulation | Dämmung |
Scaffolding | Gerust |
Trading floor | Parkett (Börse) |
Jerry built | Pfusch am Bau |
Storage heaters | Nachtspeicherheizung |
heat pump | Wärmepumpe |